You must live in NY… The family courts are gov't sanctioned terrorist-operations, essentially. No one, not even the president, so much as mentions the abhorrent and sadistic problems within the family courts and CPS (NXIVM's favorite stomping ground).
Lost faith in gov't, law enforcement, and even my president long ago… Not saying the President hasn't done great things for our nation (he absolutely has), but this did not help my child. And, apparently, Donald J. Trump, the "Teflon Don", is no match for the likes of Jeffrey Mann, Michelle Brown, Amber Paulos and Lisa Rodwin Bloch. (A pack of half-homosexual, Talmudist, pedophile-protecting, crooks, who intentionally endanger children and attempt to unlawfully remove children from their white, Christian, fathers.
When a father writes a letter to the White House to express concern about his sexually-abused child that the courts and CPS are trying to cover-up (because Mom is friends with the court-staff), and the White House responds with a letter saying they will forward the report to the appropriate agency, only to result in NOT A DAMN THING BEING DONE, a father tends to be a little disgruntled, disappointed, desperate, and loses faith in those who have made empty promises.
Mine and my child's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has been pissed on by those who are supposed to uphold the law. And no one seems to give a shit… Not the mayor. Not my senators. Not the FBI, the cops. The White House, etc… APPARENTLY, the sexual-molestation of children is NOT A CONCERN TO MANY AMERICANS WHO HAVE SWORN TO PROTECT AND UPHOLD THE LAW.
(To those who understand and can empathize, I love you… To those who perpetuate this horrific, unconstitutional, assault on our families, I hope our Lord casts you into a dryer filled with barbedwire and lemon-juice and sets it to the "eternity-cycle".
If these Talmudist-bastards succeed in "legally" kidnapping my child from me, I swear to God… I will make the passionate-fury of hell look like a goddamned gay-pride parade.