>>(https:/ /www.hooktube.com/watch?v=G1-L9Ys4z1M)
>>(https:/ /www.hooktube.com/watch?v=c-62jv35kkM)
Helicopter was leased by @iEatSleepFly (i)(ESF) according to CBS but they have no helicopters on their site!!!
Do you have any info on this helicopter crash?: partial id # is N7530R(r is partial)
>>(http:/ /archive.is/lerEs)
>>(http:/ /abc7.com/2-of-3-killed-in-newport-beach-helicopter-crash-identified/3012209/)
1 of the 3 people killed worked at the hollywood Standard Hotel (Standard being upside down) whatever that means.
>>(http:/ /archive.is/5YVfn)
Look at this< < <, what does MMHMMM mean? Are we witnessing a "Suicide Watch?" the timing is odd. These also have a pingpong theme"thanks anon from B4 at their LA Standard "Big Oil" (Do You Believe in Coincidenses) Large hotel. This place has already got a reputation for exhibitionist sexual depravity:
>>(http:/ /archive.is/qtTsH)
This all seems too connected. What do you think Anons?
Feedback plz.