Anonymous ID: aa6b86 July 30, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.2361097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Det viser seg nå at Norge, en av de mest profilerte utenlandske giverne til Clinton-fondet, reduserer sitt årlige bidrag fra $ 20 millioner (ca. 170 millioner kroner, overs.) til 4,3 millioner dette året – en betydelig reduksjon som antyder at den utenlandske regjeringen hadde forventet å motta fordeler i retur for denne generøse donasjonen. Norges reaksjon bidrar dermed til ytterligere bevis om at Fondet tjener mer som en disk for å selge tilgang til Clintons enn som en organisasjon som driver med filantropi. Selv om fondet har gjort noen filantropiske tiltak, så har det store formålet hele tiden vært å fremme Clinton som merkevare, til markedsføring av Clinton som den mest betalte foredragsholderen, og sørge for at giverne fikk tilgang til Clintons og deres profilerte nettverk og forbindelser til storselskap og banker.»

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It now turns out that Norway, one of the most profitable foreign donors to the Clinton Fund, reduces its annual contribution from $ 20 million to about 4.3 million this year - a significant reduction that suggests that the foreign government had expected to receive benefits in return for this generous donation. Norway's response thus contributes to further evidence that the Fund serves more as a counter to sell access to Clintons than as an organization engaged in philanthropy. Although the fund has made some philanthropic measures, the great purpose has always been to promote Clinton as a brand for marketing Clinton as the most paid speaker, and to ensure that the donors gained access to Clinton's and their profiled networks and connections to big companies and banks. "

Anonymous ID: aa6b86 July 30, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.2361207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298



Please drop the Hammer on the shit in Norwegian Goverment and Jens Stoltenberg Nato too

It now turns out that Norway, one of the most profitable foreign donors to the Clinton Fund, reduces its annual contribution from $ 20 million to about 4.3 million this year - a significant reduction that suggests that the foreign government had expected to receive benefits in return for this generous donation. Norway's response thus contributes to further evidence that the Fund serves more as a counter to sell access to Clintons than as an organization engaged in philanthropy. Although the fund has made some philanthropic measures, the great purpose has always been to promote Clinton as a brand for marketing Clinton as the most paid speaker, and to ensure that the donors gained access to Clinton's and their profiled networks and connections to big companies and banks. "