Seems like a quest, Win the norm's and capture the dragon lady.
Today we had
Buttercup and no name making cameo's.
Difficult to play the home game and it moves kinda slow sometimes.
Cankles is like 10,000 and 0.
Norm's won't catch the inside baseball cryptic Q ( seems like there is more than one).
seems we have 3.
Cryptic Q
Straight Shooter Q
Cheerleader Q ( may also be religious Q?)
or are there 4?
If I get this right, Q had a guy, MA had come guy ( or guys), watching the watchers. They got a pic of Q's guy, and Q got the pic by lifting it off the phone in real time( before they could even get it back to MA). Guy or guys send pic to MA and he screams you "F'ers" Q already posted it.
If Saudi Arabia was involved, someone may be making a stay at the ritz.
CF( Clinton Foundation) means Canckles should scream if she was kicked.
Some of the small details are novels all by themselves.