im not a bot. i make it with your moma and her giant kike tits. she likes it when i spray her face. most of it goes up her nose.
im not a bot. i make it with your moma and her giant kike tits. she likes it when i spray her face. most of it goes up her nose.
When will the 8200 officers stop lying to their grunts and tell them Irael is about to crumble into a million little pieces. this time jews will be gone for real, not just relocated.
you gotta be kidding me.
this has got to be the dumbest shill tactic ive ever seen. 8200 is really digging into the bottom of the barrel these days. JIDF is [KILL]
I attack you, not your opinions. the fact that you attack the content of everypost about the kikes is enough for everyone to see you for what you are. you cant offer a counter argument so you just attack. you JIDF scuzbuckets have had it easy here for too long. nobody believes your lies any more. the war is already won. burn in hell.
hmmโฆthis is interdasting
I don't care about the Jews.
I keep on posting WWII pics of Jews who lost their lives to the fucken Nazis. These faggots killed millions of Jews. And when I say Jews, I mean Jews. Most of the pictures you post are from Poland and from Jewish history books. ( Other European nations as well, ex Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and parts of Russia ). All Jews.
Personally I dont care if any Jews lost their lives, i dont laugh and joke about anything, victims of war or otherwise. Real families, real Jews, real Jews who lost their lives to the swine we call Hitler.
Misiones Anon
When you get a chance, visit Bariloche, you might learn something.