Anonymous ID: f05939 July 30, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2362525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2533 >>2551

The Media Reports Fake News Because It’s Controlled by Jews Part 1


The fake news and anti-American propaganda that is being continually pushed by the media is a Jewish phenomenon. Fake news won’t go away until Jews go away.


The President of the United States Donald J. Trump just had a meeting with A.G. Sulzberger the publisher of the New York Times. Despite their many problems, the New York Times still sets the tone for how much of the news gets covered every single day. The two spent their time discussing the issue of fake news.


Shortly after the meeting, Sulzberger publicly commented about their discussion. He basically whined to Trump that his attacks on them were unfair, that they were undermining democracy and that his comments might cause journalists to die.


The President responded on Twitter and expressed his continued frustration with them and the fake news media as a whole.


He’s right to be frustrated. It’s obvious that the media is not being objective when 90 percent of the coverage he gets is negative. Especially in an environment where lots of positive things have been happening. The growing economy and the productive peace talks with North Korea are just a few to mention.


The amount of negative coverage he’s received is totally unjustifiable. The extreme disparity proves that the media is not doing their job properly. They are not acting as journalists whose job is to inform the public with accurate information. Instead, they are acting as biased propagandists with a specific political agenda.


So why are they so biased? And why are they negatively portraying all of the very positive things Trump is doing for the American people?


These are questions that nobody in the mainstream and few in the alternative media will answer accurately. Conservative commentators explain this phenomenon as the media having a liberal bias. But this is not an accurate explanation and only misdirects people from the truth.


The real problem is that the media is controlled by subversive Jews who are not looking out for the interests of America. The Jews are a tribe of individuals who have been repeatedly removed from many nations. For thousands of years they have shown themselves incapable of integrating into societies because of their parasitical racial nature. They consider themselves to be Jews first and foremost regardless of what country they happen to be living in. So when Trump describes the fake news media as an enemy of the American people he is not wrong. The Jews are definitely an enemy. They’re just an enemy operating from within our own country. There is no denying this.


The Jews represent roughly 2 percent of the American population yet control and influence the biggest media enterprises in the country. It is the primary reason why the media hates Trump and is doing everything they can to remove him from power.


Don’t believe me?


Let’s first look at CNN which is arguably the most anti-Trump cable news network. Most of the high profile people are either Jews, married to Jews or are Jewish converts. It seems like the few who aren’t Jews are deranged faggots like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. There’s so many Jews in key positions that it should be declared an Israeli propaganda network by the government and permanently shut down.


Here’s just a small handful of the Wikipedia bios from some of the major figures on CNN.


Jeff Zucker (Jew) Jake Tapper (Jew) Wolf Blitzer (Jew) Gloria Borger (Jew) Dana Bash (Jew) Jeffrey Toobin (Jew) John King (Jew convert) Brian Stelter (Married to Jew, raising kids as Jews)

Anonymous ID: f05939 July 30, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2362533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2551


The Media Reports Fake News Because It’s Controlled by Jews Part 2


And then there’s this meme that has made the rounds which visually illustrates how many Jews work at CNN. As we can see, CNN is not a very racially diverse organization. If you’re not Jewish or don’t have connections to Jewry, it is difficult to get a job there.


And moving on, let’s look at the New York Times. As mentioned previously, this organization plays a major role in setting the tone for much of what we see in the daily news cycle. They are also another major anti-Trump voice.


The New York Times like CNN is another den of Jewish vermin. The Jewish Sulzberger family has controlled the paper for many years. The Jewish Daily Forward even did a piece describing the Jewish legacy of the newspaper.


A.G. Sulzberger the current publisher might not be a full blooded Jew but Jewish blood still flows through his veins. His grandfather was a Jew. That’s why it’s no surprise that he is at odds with Trump on how they’ve been covering his administration.


Their staff is loaded with Jews. Many of their more high profile writers are Jewish. Here’s just a handful of them.


Maggie Haberman (Jew) David Brooks (Jew) Bret Stephens (Jew) Michelle Goldberg (Jew) Paul Krugman (Jew) Thomas Friedman (Jew) Roger Cohen (Jew)


And what about all those other television news networks? Each of which pushes negative coverage of Trump. Look at who is pulling their strings at the top.


ABC is controlled by Disney whose CEO is the Jew Bob Iger. CBS is run by the Jew Les Moonves. The President of CBS News is the Jew David Rhodes. The President of NBC News is the Jew Noah Oppenheim. The Chairman of NBC News and MSNBC is the Jew Andrew Lack.


And naturally, all of these organizations like CNN and the New York Times have many other Jews that engage in on screen and off screen management roles.

Anonymous ID: f05939 July 30, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.2362551   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Media Reports Fake News Because It’s Controlled by Jews Part 3


Fox News isn’t a whole lot different even though they take a much more balanced view of the Trump administration. The network features numerous Jewish commentators and guests and they universally push a positive view of Israel.


Here’s just some of the Jewish commentators they’ve had on.


Chris Wallace (Jew) Ben Shapiro (Jew) Jonah Goldberg (Jew) Bernie Goldberg (Jew) Ben Stein (Jew) Jason Chaffetz (Jew) Ari Fleischer (Jew) Geraldo Rivera (Jew) Charles Krauthammer (Dead Jew)


And how about the Drudge Report? This site plays a significant role in determining what stories Fox News and other conservatives talk about. Well, Matt Drudge who founded and runs the site is also a Jew. In fact, he’s a homosexual Jew.


Several years ago, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez was fired because he truthfully stated that the media was controlled by Jews. If Jews did not control the media, his firing would not have been turned into a national news story. They blacklisted him from the industry because he exposed this highly inconvenient fact.


We could literally go on and on here. A full book could be written on this subject. The fact of the matter is that Jews control the largest media operations in the country and dominate both the so-called liberal and conservative sides of the debate. They are a subversive group of foreigners telling the American people what they should think and how they should think.


The majority of Jews do not like Trump’s agenda because it is disrupting the international order that they created in the aftermath of World War II. They’re also frustrated that they’ve lost much of the public’s trust. The fact that Trump is the President of the United States proves that they no longer have control over how many Americans think.


The only way this fake news problem will be solved is if the Jewish problem is solved. The Jews are at the root of all these lies. This is a fact that we need Trump supporters to understand. It seems as if many Trump supporters especially the evangelicals are incapable of getting this. They’ve been convinced by Jewish propaganda that the Jews are God’s chosen people. But if that were true, why did the Jews kill Jesus, the central figure of Christianity? Why do Jews spread so many lies in the media? These are not characteristics of a group that has been chosen by God. It’d be more accurate to describe them as the chosen people of the Devil.


But here’s the thing, nobody has to take my word for it. The Wikipedia bios posted in this article prove conclusively that Jews are behind much of the content that gets published and broadcast by these big corporate media entities. And why should a group that only represents roughly 2 percent of the American population have this type of control over our media? No reasonable person could ever accept this as a sustainable situation.


Jews Out!

Anonymous ID: f05939 July 30, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.2362585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2604

NY Times: New York Times Publisher Rebuts Trump’s Account of Private Meeting






Public figures have from time to time called out individual reporters, columnists, and editorialists at The Slimes for bias and even lying. But as far as we have been able to determine, no big name politician, not even the great Joseph McCarthy, has ever dared to so publicly utter the holy name of (((SULZBERGER))) (cough cough) – which is exactly what Trump just did.


From the article:


"President Trump on Sunday disclosed details of a private meeting he had with the publisher of The New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, and Mr. Sulzberger flatly disputed the president’s characterization of an exchange they had about threats to journalism.


Trump said on Twitter:


"Had a good and interesting meeting with A. G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, ‘Enemy of the People.’ Sad!”


Wow. It almost sounds as if "The Donald" has been reading The Anti-New York Times!


  1. The Ochs-Sulzberger Dynasty: A 122-year direct familial chain of Fake News from father to daughter / son-in-law to son to son to son to son. 2. The young A. G. Sulzberger who took over the reins at the Slimes in January, got his pink panties all up in a bunch after Trump called him out by name in a very combative tweet which was picked up many other media outlets. Many millions are now hearing the name "Sulzberger" for the first time.


So shaken was the smoked-out Sulzberger that he personally issued a five-paragraph statement just two hours after Trump's tweet about the subject of a meeting that Sulzberger had expected to remain private. In a five-paragraph whine, King Ochs-Sulzberger VI said he had accepted Trump’s invitation for the July 20 meeting in order to raise his concerns about Trump's “deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric.”


“I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous,” said Mr. Slimeberger. He went on to vomit:


“I told him that although the phrase ‘fake news’ is untrue and harmful, I am far more concerned about his labeling journalists ‘the enemy of the people.’ I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence.”


Scumberger added that Trump's attacks were “putting lives at risk” and “undermining the democratic ideals of our nation.” Oh the nerve – the audacity – the "chutzpah" (as the Yids would say), of this little Bolshevik bastard to warn that "inflammatory language" could "lead to violence." This coming from the recently-crowned heir of a crime family syndicate whose legendary lies and libels actually did "lead to violence" time and time and time and time again.


Dating back to the turn of the 19th Century, Sulzberger's seditious scribblers dutifully sold the dumb-as-dirt public on the "dangerous" idea of entering every war since the Spanish-American War of 1898. Even now, the Slimes bangs the drums for confrontation with Russia and China. Such talk could "lead to violence" and "put lives at risk" — can it not, Spitberger?

Anonymous ID: f05939 July 30, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.2362604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


NY Times: New York Times Publisher Rebuts Trump’s Account of Private Meeting








"Inflammatory language" promoted by The New York Slimes, about a Saudi cave-dweller hiding in Afghanistan having orchestrated the terror attacks of 9/11, "led to violence" which resulted in the deaths of about 2,500 Americans in Afghanistan in a bloody and expensive occupation that is still ongoing.


"I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act." – Osama Bin Laden




"Inflammatory language" promoted by The New York Slimes, about Iraq building "Weapons of Mass Destruction" "led to violence" which resulted in the deaths of 5,000 Americans and as many as 1,000,000 Iraqis, many of them women and children.


Colin Powell lied his ass off at the U.N. and the Slimes sold it to us without question.



Speaking to veterans in Kansas City last week, Trump again echoed the warring words of The Anti-New York Times when he thundered: “Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news.”



Our motto here,"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to." Maybe someone on the Trump staff reads the ANYT?



Trump's unmasking of the untouchable man behind the curtain – which appears to have been a deliberate set-up because it was Trump who set-up the meeting and then unexpectedly tweeted about it – is truly a delightful event to behold. In one bold stroke, the Sulzberger name was introduced to millions of people for the very first time as multiple media outlets picked up the story. Let us hope that many newbies and normies, their curiosity having been stoked, pursue the rabbit hole until they discover what this wretched family has been a part of for so many years.