Anonymous ID: 8240a9 July 30, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.2366696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6781

I'm listening to the original #Pizzagate story on a youtube an anon posted earlier.


I've heard the word "Iowa" a few times now.


At min 19:55 an "internment camp" for kidnapped kids is mentioned that is in Iowa. This was late 80s / early 90s.


If MSM didn't tell tell us about pizzagate all this time, and especially now while it is currently breaking as a story worldwide (not through them).. why is it that MSM is covering the fact that so many kids from Iowa have been kidnapped (Fox, news articles, recently… dunno about CrapNN or other stations.. ).


What if there's some creepy messaging about the Iowa kidnapping as symbolic of the original Pizzagate Franklin conspiracy that never hit mainstream? This Pizzagate today is just the generational descendants of the Franklin one.


Seems like the cabal is trying to tell DJT & the rest of the Patriots & US that they believe they'll just be able to continue doing what they have been doing, ever since the Franklin Conspiracy?


We've seen Brennan's, Comey's, & today's Avenatti, Dershowitz, & Guiliani's tweets. Brennan definitely [black hat] & we're questioning Avenatti now…. maybe he's white hat. Learned their comms…


Is the Iowa kidnapping a taunt?

Anonymous ID: 8240a9 July 30, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2366781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I mispoke.. said that the Franklin conspiracy was the originator of Pizzagate.. the more I read, it appears that the Watergate conspiracy wins that medal.