>t. a newfag who has never heard of a VPN
Think in terms of propaganda and persuasion:
Does it serve POTUS plans to have Wray appear to be eager to assist and expose?
Why hand the MSM an easy bludgeon to turn the public perception against the memo and Wray?
Similar to how POTUS has kept up the "appearance" of a feud with Sessions, to give him the room to operate.
Don't be like normies, who are retarded enough to read these public facing theatrical moves as reality, and get bent out of shape daily based on a pathetic surface-level analysis.
Having Wray play a "foil" to the memo is the most sensible and obvious thing that they should do.
This is how Trump has operated since the campaign…I feel embarrassed every time I see anons losing their tampons over every public facing move.
Especially when the entire point of Q was to give us the context so we DONT do that….
I am happy that someone with such limited patience and vision as you is not in charge. You would have rushed in and got your ass handed back to you by the immeasurably complex web the Cabal has built, and the (asleep) public would have gleefully supported your removal.
Fortunately, we have POTUS and the Military who have been masterfully dismantling systems of control in the background, while subtly and steadily shifting the public overton window more and more in the direction of reality.