Well, everyone is different, to redpill people it has served me a lot to actually know a lot that I can explain to almost everyone depending on the level of analysis that I perceive I have to use. Jordan Peterson's lectures helped me a lot. First, you have to be the change you want to see in the world to the point that everyone else notices it. When you have all your shit in order (clean room, good relationship with family and friends, and giving the best at your studies or work, always acting centered, rational and impartial, people will believe you faster than you imagine.
Now, we aren't here to prove the validity of Q (yet), this by Q's order, we are here to show people THE REAL NEWS, no CNN fake news. We're here to be the news providers, to get the truth about celebs and politicians to light, to prepare normies for the storm of shocking news that have come and will worsen.
To redpill: Dig of news of how X politician is related to X crimes (those who suddenly retire). Find news, share them and explain them to normies, help them connect the dots of a few cases, then they'll do it for their own.
Just my 2c about it.i