Anonymous ID: 4bb2e0 July 31, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2372851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>2879 >>2907 >>3314

The unnatural nudes and boobs fit a psychology that has been programmed into to you.


for instance - Fashion’s unrealistic models harming women


Fashion labels should strive to employ models with more realistic figurer because continuing to cater to the 5 percent of women who do look like traditional models while allowing the other 95 percent to writhe in destructive self-loathing is wrong. No woman should be made to feel as though her body is inadequate, and no woman should bear the connotative brunt of being called plus-size when, in reality, she is completely normal. The diversity of the female body types should be celebrated in advertisements, not squandered by an impossible industry standard.


The Body Project: Facilitator Fact Sheet

Twenty years ago, models weighed 8 percent less than the average woman. Today they weigh 23 percent less and many fall into an anorexic weight range.


Those who continuously post 'boobs' are weak and undisciplined. Cocks or gtfo. No wonder there is the black on white porn. You babies can't handle a taste of your own lasciviousness. Hypocrites, one and all..

Anonymous ID: 4bb2e0 July 31, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2373282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3314 >>3336 >>3370

You cannot fool a massive group of dedicated gold star researchers.



You have to be kidding me. Researchers maybe, but gold star - please. I bet that 50% of the best 'Gold Star' researchers have already left. Some really good ones probably left over the 'R' issue. R researchers were doing a better job than (some) on the regular Qresearch board, you just don't want to admit it.


Vanity and ego has been the downfall of this board (don't forget the porn) - some still do stellar research. And we also have an anon 'helper' Two nights ago anon made some drops that NOBODY followed up on. That's what I plan on doing today.