Anonymous ID: 4edcda July 31, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.2372812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2849 >>3376



The only way for normies to get out of the cave is to get people to question their previous assumptions about reality as they understand it. This is the Socratic method of inquiry, which seems to be a dying art in Western Civilization, as we were brought up in education systems that spoon-feed us "facts".


If Q came out and told you that a transnational organization of toddler raping pedovores rules the world, you'd be shocked for about a week until the next news cycle happens, then it would subsequently get tossed down the memory hole.


The subversion has run so deep, that even when presented with factual information, many will simply choose not to believe it, and will instead rationalize it away as a means to reconcile their cognitive dissonance.


You are a perfect case in point: you want Q to communicate according to your assumptions around communication, and you aren't willing to debate the possibility that you might be wrong.