ok the dems are fucked, they know now its over now, we know its the dems and Facebook trying to influence the elections, not russia, but in the very back of there mind, even worse then it coming out that they are the ones doing it, is the fact they can't win without cheating and fake news, this is what full on panic looks like, if they can't get house and senate, thats 2 more years of no control and they know they can't make it… they have a jury all ready for manifold …. more panic… now that truth comes out before mid terms all about taxes and lobbyists buckle up boys
ha ha thats the beauty one guy can make 1000,s of unregistered fire arms and put them anywhere, hard to invade if you don't know how many where who and understand its a unknown and that scares them to death, all guns are registered to provide them a road map
o yes your truth comes this afternoon in the opening statements , funny no body knew they had a jury all ready, hhmmm the world will know today the truth of the Mueller Investigation, would that make you happy? or does the whole plan need to be wrapped up by midnight? faggot
we disagree, I don't want to go into it now, but you do have valid points, my view is the more variables available to obtain guns, the more guessing an attacker would have to do, 1 crazy dude can silently arm a militia, will they? can they? I don't know but neither do they, that alone is a hugh advantage IMHO
only place in the world we can call each other faggot and not be offended KEK….Mueller investigation the world will Know they are not even investigating the president but they are arresting the dirty dems , Jury impaneled they thought it would take past midterms hang on to your panties its not aug yet
Well it mostly comes down to humans being dumbed down, Ie The president of the united states stood up in front of God and the world and said "THE NEWS IS FAKE, WORLD RUN BY BANKERS, WE ARE TAKING IT BACK", then people believe the fake news, and all the people that have lied to them, when they say No he is a liar, except we know they are liars, ok fine give the new guy a chance. Then you have Mueller, he came out and told the retarted dems who praise him and the media who love on him, THE PRESIDENT IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION, then we got anons going Is mueller a white hat or a black hat, RR is a black hat… you are all stupid too, FAKE NEWS #1 ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE , maybe if the President of the united states comes out and says those exact words maybe
I don't know maybe if the president came out and said it in a speech or something