Anonymous ID: c678f0 July 31, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.2372884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2935



1- Thanks to the person who pointed out errors on the supplemental archives tab. It's appreciated and ALL those issues are resolved

Accuracy is important. Criticism is accepted with thanks - it's about the work product/results, not the person. This effort, in its many facets is for posterity, it is important to be accurate and Spreadsheetanon is only a mere mortal, so it's appreciated!

2- Feel free to make comments on the spreadsheet - this is a way that you can participate and add your own results. There is a tab at the bottom - the far right tab (no pun intended).

There are some brief instructions on that tab for adding comments, namely

Line #, Date & Q Post#

otherwise I will not be able to find where your comment/answer/research results belong

Short, sweet & sourced (if possible)

Pretty self-explanatory

3- Please make your comment on a separate line, this way I can go through them one by one

You do NOT have to have a gulag account, you don't need to sign into anything, you're just a person leaving a comment.


Your research results/answers are very important and I am not able to devote as much time as before here to scrape the threads for the great stuff anons find. This is a way to have the results in multiple locations, accessible to the public and that are not on 8ch (so a layer of separation for normies)…

THANK YOU ALL for your continued support and participation

What we are doing is not in vain, it's historic and I'm so humbled and proud to be able to participate with all you glorious faggots!

Anonymous ID: c678f0 July 31, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.2373221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3239


Yes, I have, almost all his books. He's wrong about some things because he is lacking certain information. But he seems to be a true truth-seeker. I have also listened to his many interviews (several times each, yes, autism).

He knows some things he hasn't put in any of his books yet, and in one way is intentionally misleading. That is because what he does know and hasn't revealed yet will get him killed if he reveals it too soon. He's essentially biding his time until he can.

Anonymous ID: c678f0 July 31, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2373284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3304


Agree on all points, especially the ARCHIVING. The Memory Hole is real, and some sites have actively taken measures to prevent archiving sites from archiving their content (what does that say?). Luckily we have ways around that.


Everyone can help, in some way, with whatever time is available. Everyone has a place.


The demoralizationfags are out en masse today, attempting to get anons to "justify" their "belief" in Q. Even they have a role, as was admitted to several times (anons trolling, to help sharpen other anons' wits, develop better arguments and solidify those for when dealing with public).


Actual shillfaggots role in the future will be servicing Ja'Quan.