Anonymous ID: 46b24d Aug. 13, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.2585889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6075

Ottawa to Finance Iran's Bombardier Order

July 19, 2017


Canada will provide $100 million in finance for a deal between Montreal-based multinational aerospace and transportation company, Bombardier Inc., and Iran’s Qeshm Free Zone Organization for purchasing 10 passenger planes, the FTZ’s chief executive, Hamidreza Momeni, has said.


The free zone is planning to launch a new airline called Fly Qeshm.


“Our talks with Canada’s Bombardier are almost final,” he was quoted as saying by Iran’s Tinn News on Tuesday.


Momeni said the $100-million finance will cover 80% of the deal, which entails the supply of the 104-seat planes.


“We are doing our best to receive these planes before the end of the current year (March 20, 2018),” he said.


He was quoted earlier as saying by Iran newspaper that the FTZ will receive permits to launch the new airline by July 29, adding that the airline will start operation as of February 11, 2018.


The organization’s talks with Bombardier to purchase passenger planes were publicized for the first time in April 2016, when Pierre Beaudoin, the executive chairman of Bombardier, led a delegation to Iran.



Trudeau Defends Pay Raise Given To Bombardier Executives

Published on March 31, 2017


After Bombardier received a government bail out package from the Trudeau government in the amount of $372.5 million, Bombardier executives received a 50 percent increase in wages.


Trudeau was questioned by the media on the subject while he was touring the Magna auto parts facility in Brampton, Ont.


“We respect the free market and the choices that companies will make,” Trudeau said. “But we also have a responsibility to ensure that the investments we make with taxpayers’ dollars are leading to good jobs and growth.”



Meet Canada’s Ruling Oligarchy: Parasites-a-Plenty!

Anonymous ID: 46b24d Aug. 13, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.2586424   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 46b24d Aug. 13, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.2586441   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Main Compensation Decisions in 2016

Bombardier strives to link its incentive plans to the creation of long-term value for its shareholders.

In order to highlight this performance culture, the HRCC approved the incorporation of individual performance under the

short-term incentive plans, based on a variety of criteria including achieving individual goals, core competencies and

behaviors through a multiplier approach.

In 2016, executive officers received 50% of their long-term incentive grants in the form of stock options which will only have

value to the extent that Bombardier’s share price increases. The other 50% was delivered under the Performance Share Unit

(“PSU”) Plan, designed to influence the executives’ decisions towards the Corporation’s long-term growth and to associate a

meaningful stake with this strategic initiative if key performa

nce indicator targets are achieved. Building on this approach,

37% to 64% of the Named Executives Officers’ or NEOs’ (as hereinafter defined) targeted total compensation consists of

long-term incentives, and 67% to 85% of their said compensation is at risk.

The HRCC believes that Bombardier’s current executive compensation policies, plans, and total compensation levels are

aligned with Bombardier’s goals of increasing long-term shareholder value and continuing to make solid progress in its

turnaround plan. We have set a strong foundation, and have confidence in our ability to achieve our growth targets.

Anonymous ID: 46b24d Aug. 14, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2599720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9981

why so much time on the west coast? hmm…


Trudeau to hold retreat with newly shuffled cabinet in Nanaimo, B.C.


August 14, 2018

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will hole up with his newly shuffled cabinet for three days next week in Nanaimo, B.C.


The retreat, scheduled for Aug. 21-23, marks the first meeting of Trudeau’s cabinet since he added five fresh faces and rearranged the portfolios of six other ministers in a substantial, pre-election shuffle last month.


During the retreat, the Prime Minister’s Office says ministers will discuss ways to grow the economy and create jobs, with a focus on diversifying international trade, eliminating trade barriers between the provinces and maintaining the integrity and security of Canada’s borders.


Trudeau focused on the same issues in the shuffle, reflecting the challenges his Liberal government faces due to American protectionism and the spike in irregular border crossers as it prepares for an election in just one year.


He named former Toronto police chief Bill Blair to head up a newly created ministry on border security and reducing organized crime; Dominic LeBlanc was moved to Intergovernmental and Northern Affairs and Internal Trade; and Jim Carr took over the renamed portfolio of International Trade Diversification.


Trudeau has announced he’ll hold a first ministers’ meeting sometime this fall, specifically to look at the elimination of trade barriers between the provinces and territories.