Anonymous ID: 96974c Sept. 15, 2018, 5:38 a.m. No.3031844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't think Max is Controlled Op. In the past he has talked about the gold standard, and it was either him or his one-time gf (probably the latter now that I think of it) who wrote about how the real purpose of the war in Afghanistan was resources like Opium/Heroin.


His fondness for women (a trait he seems to share with Trump) makes it seem likely to me that he was never fully compromised. That was probably enough to control him back in 06. It wasn't necessary because he was an outsider star candidate and the Couillard affair killed his Foreign Affairs position in the Harper government quickly. His family are definitely in the elite for generations in his riding, but they do seem very popular.


He's smart enough not to touch issues that will fire up lefties (abortion, gay marriage, drugs) but is actually woke to the Fiat money and NATO scam.