Anonymous ID: a0fab9 Sept. 20, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3106375   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, good dig, let me widen it a bit as clearly and unironically history repeats itself in ukraine..


looks a sneaky bitch for sure


>>As for Freeland’s claim that Chomiak had secretly aided the Ukrainian resistance, sources in Warsaw believe Chomiak was trained by the Germans as a double-agent, penetrating Ukrainian groups and spying on them.

>>Freeland has dismissed the facts as part of a “Russian disinformation campaign”




grandad (Michael Chomiak, wife Alexandra, parents to Freeland’s mother Halyna) was a willful nazi propagandist, later US Army Intel

>>Freeland’s maternal grandfather Michael (Mikhailo) Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator from the beginning to the end of the war. He was given a powerful post, money, home and car by the German Army in Crakow, then the capital of the German administration of the Galician region. His principal job was editor in chief and publisher of a newspaper the Nazis created. His printing plant and other assets had been stolen from a Jewish newspaper publisher, who was then sent to die in the Belzec concentration camp. During the German Army’s winning phase of the war, Chomiak celebrated in print the Wehrmacht’s “success” at killing thousands of US Army troops

>>On September 2, 1946, when Freeland says her mother was born in a refugee camp, she was actually in a well-known spa resort for wealthy Bavarians. The US Army then controlled that part of Germany; they operated an Army hospital at Bad Worishofen and accommodated Chomiak at a spa hotel. US Army records have yet to reveal what the Americans learned about Chomiak’s war record, and how he was employed by US Army Intelligence, after he had switched from the Wehrmacht.

more details sourced at


guy was enthusiastic about killing poles and jews alike:



>> Let's not settle for just pulling Michael Chomiak out of Minister Freeland's family closet and into the light of public awareness. We have an opportunity now to throw light on many other Nazi skeletons that have for far too long been lurking in the shadows of large Canadian wardrobes. In particular, let's look at the Freeland family secret in the context of the three large social institutions with which she is most closely associated:

(1) the ultranationalist Ukrainian Canadian diaspora, represented by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress,

(2) the Liberal Party of Canada, and

(3) the mainstream corporate media.

idk, its 21 chapters long, maybe useful for digging later



The Chomiak papers can be found at accession number 85.191.


also, if hidden truth in reverse to official history and as q suggests projection strong then maybe there's more fuckers from or ottawa ukrainian studies dept. meddling for bandera nazis in ukraine.. leafs, dig! or paste past dugs kek.

Anonymous ID: a0fab9 Sept. 20, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.3107083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

and as it's a turdeau thread:

>>In December of 2014, in an effort to help Ukraine improve its intelligence data on Russia’s rebel proxies in eastern Ukraine, the previous Conservative government had responded to a request from President Poroshenko, and began providing the Ukrainian military access to Canada’s RADARSAT-2.

May 2016 T terminated it?


>>The Canadian mission to train Ukrainian troops, known as Operation UNIFIER, began 2015, when the Harper government committed 200 soldiers from the Royal Canadian Regiment to support the training of Ukrainian forces in western Ukraine.

Canadian-trained units have gone on to fight on the front lines of the war in eastern Ukraine, where Moscow has been fighting a proxy war in an effort to destabilize Ukraine’s pro-western government. It’s not surprising that the Russian Embassy in Ottawa has been lobbying the Trudeau government to end the Canadian training mission in Ukraine.

2017 T has not extended it? expired 03-17?


also how to understand the chretien-putin-trudeau conundrum? chretien - cabal asset? harper/dion - official optics? trudeau/freeland - new gen cabal bloodline/asset in soc-dem clothes?

>>On April 20, 2015, Jean Chretien chaired a High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) meeting on Russia-Ukraine at the University of Ottawa.

Statements released later, pointed to a troubling script: Chretien was, in fact, proposing to dismantle Ukraine’s current system of government by pushing for the federalization of the country – a scenario that Moscow has been proposing since it began its occupation of Ukraine. To quote Chretien: “… as Canadians we understand well that it is possible to have a central government and regional autonomy, with language and religion guarantees, that work well. I believe this might be one way to help resolve the dispute in Ukraine.”

3 On April 29, 2015, at the 3rd Global Baku Forum, as a member of the Inter Action Council, Chretien appeared in Azerbaijan at a panel discussion featuring former Ukrainian presidents Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma, and Viktor Yushchenko. Chretien met with the three leaders individually and talked them into inviting him to meet with Ukraine’s constitutional commission. Ukraine’s three former presidents, who are involved with the drafting of the new Constitution for Ukraine, were allegedly urged by Chretien to federalize Ukraine.

4 On April 30, 2015, the very next day, Jean Chretien secretly met President Vladimir Putin in a private meeting at Putin’s Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow. "tough guy, cant be a pussy running russia"


>>When asked a question about whether his government is prepared to put Ukraine on the AFCCL list of friendly countries to which Canada can sell arms&munitions, Trudeau refused to provide a response.

meaning he'd like to?