Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 9, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.2524100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4217 >>4621 >>4919



Working link - take out the space



A gleeful msm 'debunking' of the son-of-Castro idea:



A few thoughts on that…


It's true Margaret didn't have a public meeting with Fidel around the time Justin was conceived. PUBLIC. What if they met privately while on honeymoon?


The relationship was private, the wedding was secret, and based on the dates it looks like Justin was conceived on the honeymoon.


The media got what they were meant to get, I think it's presumptive to think that media would have covered EVERY ASPECT.


Pierre was into weird kinky sex and apparently particularly enjoyed children and poodles (Cathy O'Brien story). However, I seriously doubt he would have shown his new young wife these perversions right away. That would have been rolled out later, once she was locked in. Why do you think they started brawling so much once the boys weren't babies anymore?


Sometimes the best way to hide a really sick secret is to - yep - DISCLOSE LIKE CRAZY. It's a perfect cover, because everyone is busy being shocked by your 'openness' and therefore the true secret remains safe.


My theory on Justin's origins? Some sort of a velvet gloved ritual. One that would've made Margaret feel like she was special and chosen and a part of something amazing. Could Fidel have taken part? Sure, why not? They all had private planes, Canada had no Cuba embargo so they could freely travel, especially on a clandestine trip. Maybe there was a masked party, maybe Pierre himself presided over the ritual.

Their obvious & public admiration for Fidel 5 years later is telling. There's no way they just suddenly met and had an amazing connection with a communist dictator. That had to have been cultivated before, and made public at that time for a reason.


(the global communist takeover plans have been in the works for a long ass time)

Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 9, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2524836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5091


LOL…is it still 'prophecy' if the prophet happens to possess inside information?


I appreciate neonrevolt's work myself - hadn't seen that piece yet - thank you!


To the moonchildren and the spirit cooking. It makes complete sense to me.


Was JT a product of some such ritual? A 'predestination'? Oh I think so. It might not have been overly 'satanic' so as not to freak out Miss Margaret - I'm betting it was more glamorous in it's presentation. Cause frankly - those spirit cooking descriptions are disgusting. What self respecting female would partake of her own free will in such nastiness?


But framed another way - 'we are building a Great New World Order, and YOU can help bring it about. You have a very important part to play for World Peace. You want world peace don't you? Well we are working tirelessly to make that happen, and we need you to help. Here, eat this wafer…don't worry - it's all good. We're just having fun…heh heh…that's right - be a good girl and just hop up over here…'


I think it is entirely possible and very likely that Justin was bred for his exact role in the game. How exactly? Well it would have been something that appealed to a young lady - the true colors would not have been shown to her at that point and when they were shown later, well - she split off in order to deal (what is bipolar? Multipolar?)

Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 9, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.2525091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5156



On the moon child theory. It was supposed to produce world rulers that were in possession of (malevolent) fallen angel souls.

The predestination idea can be co opted very well to serve this end can't it? Train children in these beliefs, impress them with the magic…oh and world peace. Don't forget the world peace.




This is kinda funny. You'd think that everyone would see through this ruse immediately. Why didn't they? Part of the trained charisma?


How about the 'flipping upside down' idea? What used to be considered important is no longer important?

'Who You Know' being presented as more important than 'What You Know'?

Is the PM so very brainwashed that he really thought no one would check out his stories?

Did they ingrain him with the idea that Americans are so dumbed down they have no idea about anything 'Canada'?


Another possibility; his biography is <totallyfudgedas a part of the grooming for his role.

Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 9, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.2525622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5700


WOW! There's the sauce.


How do you forge alliances with other nations? Why, you mix bloodlines and you breed.


So you want to make your nation part of the great red network of communism because new world order, global domination, yadayada.


Problem is, everyone seems to be against communism! …meh, something about mass murder, widespread poverty, thought control…Silly mouton - I'll outsmart em.


So I find a young lovely communist sympathizer and I use my suave french persuasions (maybe with a little chemical help) to win her over. See, life's not so bad mon cherie…I brought you a present! Fidel…


So - it was on an unidentified (maybe private perv island) that there was an arranged setup/meeting/party. Conveniently enough, Margaret found Fidel sexy, which probably helped the plan a great deal. Could be it was a 'present' for the new wife that also served to 'facilitate diplomatic relations'


FemaleAnons, how many of you would say 'sexiest man I ever met' about a man you had only known through your powerful husband? That says personal relationship to me.



My guess is that both Justin and Sophie were MKUltra trained. Margaret was treated for her so-called mental illness in one of the places where this 'training' took place. Seems logical right?

Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 9, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.2525907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298


>“When Michel was around eight years old, I remember him complaining to my mother that my older brother and I both had more friends than he did,” Alexandre recalled in 2006. “My mother told him that, unlike us, he had the greatest friend of all: he had Fidel.”


Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 9, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2525938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6129


ok - this part doesn't compute.


Why then, does JT appear to lurve the LGBTQ so much? Is it a twofaced taunt?

Get them to come out, feel honored, and encourage them all to fly the freak flag…

…so they can be identified for Future ReEducation?


Could it really be such a diabolical scheme?

Anonymous ID: b9938a Aug. 10, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.2544648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4810


Did you say >correct the record ?? Isn't that what HRC, Soros and crew paid all those useful idiots to try and do?


The Canadian PM is important because:

  • he obeys orders, after all he was born and bred especially for this job.

  • he openly sympathizes with and supports certain 'groups' that we all know are a clear & present danger to western values and civilization.

  • he is a pawn being used to bring Canada to the global world order - the totalitarian communist dictatorship dream of the globalists.

  • he has been ordered to tank Canada by weakening it from within for the NWO takeover, just like the Obama admin was doing for the US.

  • he is still following orders from evil people, and hasn't the courage, fortitude or backbone to do otherwise.



He could redeem himself and actually contribute to saving the world, if he would do an about face and join with President Trump in saving America.


Think about what would happen if he were to make this decision.

The (elected)PM is not the actual leader of Canada. The real leader is an appointed representative of the queen.


If PM Castrudeau stepped up and stood for what was right - all hell would break loose.

He would be castigated mercilessly (like POTUS) and probably removed (unlike POTUS because aforementioned leadership structure).


The queen might even decide to use the all-overriding veto power in an attempt to take command over the country. Maybe the pope would weigh in too. There would be major unrest - which would obviously play right into the hands of the NWO - UN soldiers would roll in and the takeover would be complete. This would be really bad for the USA due to proximity.


There'd be a way to avoid this outcome though - and that would be to have some dealmaking meetings with President Trump, just like N Korea. Except this effort would be a real alliance. Neighbor nations joining up as a united front to fight the NWO takeover and save America. Stronger together.


If that was the approach, the storm would still come, but it would be an apocalyptic revealing and have a far different outcome. The crown and the vatican's complicity in the global domination effort would be revealed, and the awakening would accelerate bigly. Instead of ending with UN army occupation and continued servitude, Canada and the USA could claim freedom, and fight together to free South America.


I like to think that if Castrudeau truly understood what was at stake, he would not hesitate.