Anonymous ID: c84cbc Aug. 22, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.2700689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calgary MP Darshan Kang loses appeal of harassment probe

Kang resigned from the Liberal caucus last August after denying allegations he inappropriately touched and harassed former staff member Rhea Bassi

Anonymous ID: c84cbc Aug. 22, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.2700714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FUREY: Secrecy and lack of info follows security incident at Parliament Hill


A Senator is speaking out against the apparent secrecy on Parliament Hill following a security incident involving a pick-up truck that happened the other week.


“I don’t understand how we could have had such a serious breach on the Hill where a couple of people have been injured and we don’t even know what has happened,” Conservative Senator Leo Housakos said to the Sun about the recent incident.


“Why the secrecy?”


On Aug. 11, Ottawa paramedics responded to a call at 9:37 p.m. in front of the western part of the Parliament buildings. A woman in her 50s was taken to hospital in stable condition with a foot injury after being run over by a pick-up truck and a man in his 70s, also in stable condition, was sent to hospital for a hip injury from the same incident.


An eyewitness told the Ottawa Sun the vehicle was at first in a line of cars on Vittoria St., a short street that runs alongside the Hill and leads to both public parking and the vehicle entrance to the main Parliament buildings. The truck then mounted the curb, struck individuals and turned into the Parliament Hill vehicle screening facility. The man driving the vehicle then got out of the car, attempted to run and was “tackled” by officers.


“We just yelled ‘Oh my god,” said eyewitness Moze Elfarra. “We were in shock.”


A picture posted to social media shows both RCMP and Parliamentary Protective Service (PPS) members surrounding the vehicle, a white pick-up truck. Another picture shows an officer assisting an individual on the ground as a number of pedestrians crowd over the scene. The individual who posted them has since deleted the post but they were re-posted by CTV Ottawa correspondent Megan Shaw.


“This matter is not related to national security,” RCMP spokesperson Stephanie Dumoulin told the Sun. Other than that, the RCMP would not answer other questions, citing the ongoing investigation.


Neither Speakers’ office, nor the PMO, would offer any comment on the matter – either relating to the facts of the incident or the relative lack of information made available. They all referred the Sun to the PPS, which in turn referred all questions to the RCMP.


However the Ottawa Police Service, which is not conducting the investigation, told the Sun on Tuesday their notes from the evening indicate the case was a “mental health issue” concerning a “man in distress”.


“He was transported to hospital,” said Ottawa police spokesperson Constable Chuck Benoit. “We’re able to assess an individual and if there is harm for himself or someone else we can put him in front of a doctor to assess.”


The Ottawa Police did not put out a release concerning the incident and both the OPS and RCMP have confirmed no charges have been laid.


Several parliamentarians who likely should have been notified didn’t learn about the incident until much later and then only received minimal information.


“I think we have the right to know what happened and why it happened,” says Housakos. “Those are simple questions.” In 2015, Housakos served as Speaker of the Senate, which is one of the two posts that the PPS, which is responsible for security on the Hill, reports to.


Housakos says this lack of publicly available information would not have happened under his watch, especially given the focus on ramping up security protocols on the Hill following the October 2014 terror attack.


“Within a short period of time, I would have had to come out to explain to my fellow parliamentarians what happened on the Hill,” he said.


Both House of Commons Speaker Geoff Regan and Senate Speaker George Furey declined to offer any comment aside from referring the Sun to the PPS, which reports to them.


“We don’t have clarity and transparency from the two parliamentarians on the Hill who have responsibility for this,” Housakos said. “Many parliamentarians, if they knew what was going on, they’d be very concerned.”

Anonymous ID: c84cbc Aug. 24, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.2725456   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could be.

The Great Awakening is WW, and who knows where Trudeau will be after Trump/Q dumps the servers.


They won't be able to walk the streets. Does that apply to Scheer too?