Anonymous ID: fa27bc July 31, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2381983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maybe something else turned up from their little "incident" in Danforth, Ontario.


Seems the jihadis brother has been comatose since OD'ing in 2017.


Cops went to his house laat year and found 42 FREAKIN KILOGRAMS of Carfentanil.


"in mid-2017 Faisal’s brother, Farad Hussain, suffered an overdose. He based been in a coma ever since"


In Chicom printer ink bottles, supposedly.


That's enough for a massive, unprecedented terror attack. Unleashed in a stadium or into the water supply. That's chemical weapons quantity.


Good old Canada suppressed that it was YAH (Yet Another Hussein) with it.


Look at the busts in the US. Michigan, Ohio… this stuff is being trafficked in from Canada.


Maybe they found some more? Or something worse?

Anonymous ID: fa27bc July 31, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2382649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4250 >>8775

More including hiw it's getting in from China to Canada:


They ran tests on drugs in a report released today:


Nearly all street drugs in Vancouver contain fentanyl, study finds





More than 80 per cent of drugs sold as heroin on the streets of Vancouver don’t contain any heroin at all, while nearly all of the city’s street drugs contain the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl, according to the findings of a pilot project led by the B.C. Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU).


The centre gave local users the opportunity to check their drugs not only for the presence of fentanyl, but a wide range of substances. The final results, to be published in the September edition of the Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal, show that fentanyl has overwhelmingly supplanted the local supply of illicit opioids, and heroin in particular. Stimulants and hallucinogens, meanwhile, are much more likely to contain the substance they are sold as.


Mark Lysyshyn, a medical health officer at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) who co-authored the paper with Kenneth Tupper, Karen McCrae, Ian Garber and Evan Wood, said the findings provide insight into just how contaminated the local drug supply is.




“Something like 60 per cent of the drugs that we check are not what people think they are,” Dr. Lysyshyn said on Tuesday. “We’ve always had the idea that drugs could be something different, but right now [the contamination rate] is really high.”


The pilot ran from November, 2017, to April, 2018, at two VCH-operated supervised-consumption sites in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Drug checks involved both fentanyl test strips and an infrared spectrometer, purchased by the BCCSU and the City of Vancouver. In all, 1,714 samples were tested.


The majority (58.7 per cent) of samples that clients volunteered were expected to be opioids, according to the paper. Of 907 samples expected to be heroin, only 160 (17.6 per cent) contained any heroin at all, while 822 (90.6 per cent) tested positive for fentanyl.


The most common composition for a drug purported to be heroin was caffeine, a sugar alcohol and fentanyl, the paper stated.


The next most common types of samples were reported to be stimulants. The checking found that 87.9 per cent of 256 samples purported to be speed or crystal meth contained some amount of the expected substance, while 91.4 per cent of 140 samples purported to be crack or cocaine did. Fentanyl was detected in 5.9 per cent of the speed or meth samples and 2.1 per cent of the crack or cocaine.


Of 141 samples loosely categorized as “psychedelics” – MDMA, LSD, mushrooms – 86.5 per cent contained some amount of the expected substance, and zero contained fentanyl."


Why would this attract Justin's attention? Who knows. But with jihadis & massive quantities of carfentinal in the mix, anything is possible.


The Chicoms cheerfully kill off Americans & Canadians with drugs. (Yes, personal responsibility is in there too)



Anonymous ID: fa27bc Aug. 1, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.2393509   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Don't apologize. For all we know the emergency detour could be dealing with GropingGate