Anonymous ID: 238588 July 31, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.2374299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4601 >>4805 >>4810


Some background for analysis

FIRST look at this piece saying that AIDS funding is one of the biggest frauds

>>” Chamakhe Maurieni, of the Gafi Research Institute, Tunis, has some very striking revelations about HIV/AIDS, something he calls a "fraud" which feeds "a 300 billion dollar industry" which rests on flimsy evidence that HIV caused AIDS, which, he claims, is not a disease but rather a "state".”

See more at

NEXT this piece from 2008 about how the funding for PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), the presidents funding for global AIDS relief across the globe, was increased BEYOND what was requested or necessary. IT IS A SLUSH FUND!

>>” The Senate agreed on Wednesday to spend $48 billion on the President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR), down slightly from the original $50 billion, but significant problems remain with the bill in its current form. The Bush administration, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain are all supporting legislation to fund PEPFAR, which would more than triple spending on the program from the current $15 billion (five-year total) to $48 billion. This is too much when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that $35 billion would suffice in funding PEPFAR for the next five years, while the extra $13 billion would be spent by 2018.”


So now for my decoding of his RED Video

Obama in the video said everyone has a role to play in this World AIDS Day.

>>"This World AIDS Day, everyone has a role to play. Jimmy Kimmel's not just a talk-show host, he's an activist. Bono's not just a musician, he's ring master of a whole shopping extravaganza," Obama said in the video.

Decode: Kimmel’s cover is a talk show host. Actually, he is very active in the cabal and most likely a pedophile.

Bono does is part under cover as a musician to travel the world and procure children from third world countries of Africa so that we can have a nice selection to pick from.

>>Kimmel introduce Hussein as being currently unemployed.

This means that Obama is looking for a new role. Under cover as President, he could transfer money to cabal and undermine America. He can’t do that anymore, so in the meantime, he is traveling around the world, as Q said, trying to undercut Trump while looking for a new sponsor/handler and role.


>>Obama then says :"And me, I'm not just a former president, I'm a husband who hasn't done his Christmas shopping yet."

Obama is reminding them that he once welded much power. He even had his own child bride (MAGGIE NIXON), but he is looking to shop around for another one or two as a Christmas gift for himself and he can help them to the same when he gets a new role.

>> During the video, Obama said cable news and Twitter feeds can "make it feel like cynicism is everywhere." "When it comes to the fight against HIV/AIDS, there's some genuinely good news to share," he said.


He is saying that even though the anons are using the internet to discovering and spread the truth, don’t get cynical because we are still in control and all will be good when we take down Trump.

>>Obama continues "For the first time in history, more than half of all people living with the virus are on life-saving medication." Since the peak of the virus, Obama said, AIDS-related deaths have been cut in half. Today, more than 20 million people around the world are on medication that make it possible to work and raise HIV-free children, Obama said.


Obama is saying that we are still in charge of the drug operations and still have money to spend. Also saying that most people are still asleep and won’t wake up enough to do anything about us. Don’t worry.

>>Obama then says "It sounds like a miracle, but it's not the result of mysterious forces or chance. It happened because countless people working for years chose to make this process," Obama said. Some, he said, deployed great wealth and influence and some held public office.

>>"But far more were simply citizens," Obama said, listing organizers, activists, doctors and "courageous people living with HIV who led the fight to spare others the anguish of this disease."

>>Obama urged people to help support the effort.

He is saying that we are still very powerful because the richest, most powerful people in the world are on the same side as us. He is telling cabalist at every level all over to hang in there because it would take more than Trump and his supporters to take them out of power.