Sorry. Yes, I-NEMO, "I'm nobody"; ignore me. Planefags screencap database growing thanks to you.
Agree. It has truth, but most would perceive it as gore and experience revulsion, associating the feeling of revulsion with the text. Bad idea.
Don't forget that the MIL filter acts different when it's deleted vs. disabled.
Discovered a little weirdness in ADSB's user interface, that could result in missed data if not understood. In particular,
the ADSB MIL filter works a little different from the other filters.
What I observed:
Had MIL filter set
Result: Only helicopters that are military
Unchecked MIL filter
Result: Only helicopters that are civilian
(Military helicopters are suppressed)
Deleted MIL filter
Result: All helicopters, both military and civilian.
I would have thought that disabling vs. deleting the MIL filter should have an identical effect, but they don't act the same.