>Facebook finds 'sophisticated' efforts to disrupt US politics (muh russia)
Amaranth is a cam whore.
Kek. Maybe the boys were supposed to die as a cabal sacrifice so now that they were rescued they'll be raped to death?
Fuck those traitor niggers. Busy on their yachts, they sold their people out.
>Pedophiles hate Jesuits. Look how Pope Francis is taking out the trash
Only niggerbrain faggots promote Pedowood degenerates like Jim Carrey.
No newfag, we don't promote the merchandise of kike propagandists.
Being that this board is infested with normies I guess I see your point. At least shoop Carrey raping some niggerchildren or something.
No there's a difference, you defile them and it's good, if you use them it's bad. In the Jim Carrey pic it's just a clip from his gay ass movie, it's not something good like him raping niggerchildren or something. Defiling is key.