Zack insider on infowars just dropped a dirty bomb ff warning for this weekend!
Just because you do not like infowars does not mean everything said on infowars is shill, Zach told truths on infowars live before q did the same truths and was arrested for it, THERE IS
A LITERAL TRAIL of the arrest, and talks about a lot of the same things as Q, nothing he said was shill like and supports our exact knowledge of the situation. To discredit based on your BIAS is ridiculous, Zack is actually in the intelligence community and I am not one to repeat info from infowars but the absolute hate for a truther exposing the same info we are stuns me fully, you DID NOT EVEN LISTEN and dismiss. He called for a tangible threat to the super bowl involving a dirty bomb and that MI is attempting to stop it. If there is a hint of chance this is real, we should consider it.
A shill calling a Truther a shill.
Q says we need to stay united, and here you are dividing.