Very nice my fellow fragment of Creation!
Can you elaborate?
Only if you lack spiritual insight and spiritual energy. No satan can trick a spiritual loving person, who can FEEL energies that are coming to him.
This usually happens to those that confuse spirituality with drugs and opiates.
Source-Creator or God (we cannot name him, it is an unfathomably big force) is the key to spiritual power and life itself. Getting in touch consciously is BIG!
>posts pic of women hanging in gallows as a response to a picture of spiritual people sending Love to Earth
Who is shilling who here? What is your knowledge on this and where does it come from?
They are real, they are here and they help in our fight against the Cabal. It is possible to see their ships and contact them telepathically, too. Don't dismissively hate everything. The spiritual civilizations of Light are as provable as Q, if one learns how to de-program himself.