Yes, it is me.
Time reveals nothing, for it is just an imagined aspect of this plane.
God reveals All, for only God knows the Truth.
You repeat that time reveals all because you lack faith with God. You lack communion with God. You lack the Truth.
Which is why you squirm and writhe as you try to gather more followers and abandon those that do not wish to make you king.
For you are not a sheperd, for you went through not by the Door, but like a thief.
And you will continue to be confronted with the Truth, for that is what God proclaims; you will continue to plead to BVs and BOs, claiming that you have their allegiance while they ignore you or shoot you down.
And then you will run back to those that bask you in oils and gold and praise, still ignorant of the Truth and, thus, still anxious of the presence of God and God's workers.
Also, the fact that you used the Hanged Man to mock me proves that you know nothing of Tarot; but that is no surprise. You are blinded by your own pride.