Anonymous ID: 9bb000 July 31, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2383073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Great Speech. Hard working President Donald Trump. He didn't get where he is for nothing. Yaay. Justice is finally back on the job.


The cartoon is better.

A few sentences pass muster; but just barely. Mealy mouth. A few good sentences from the article:

"The existence of the investigation was withheld from the congressional “gang of eight” because of its “sensitivity,” former FBI Director James Comey later said.

The FBI continues to withhold the full details of the origin story from Congress.

Their rationale is the “protection of sources,” as the origin lies with our best international partner."

So they give a reason other than "National Security" that's creative of them. They've finally figured out they don't own us and they aren't, (in their own persons and criminal interests), "the Nation"

"Although Mr. Brennan has exposed himself as a biased actor, the CIA has escaped criticism for using only thinly sourced information from British intelligence to snooker the FBI."

Another good sentence only since they use the word "snooker"

BUT What about the WSJ reporter who covered the Pizzagate / Podesta issues under a pseudonym in a blog for their publication [WSJ] and who ended up un-naturally, suspiciously and prematurely dead [barely in his 30's] The address given for him was a weird address on St. Mark's Place. I can hardly believe he really lived there. He was the only mainstream journalist reporting the story back in those days.

>>2381806 (pb)

They still can't admit it was a frame-up. Idiots. Apologies . Excuses, backpedal backpedal.

Hoping public has no memory.

>>2381445 (pb)

I had the same reaction to his voice; so pedantic like he was lecturing school children. Patronizing and condescending.

>>2381519 (pb)

Maybe, I'll have to check that photo again.

>>2381523 (pb)

The image in the mirror is from behind [at Newport Beach] but the head and hair looks similar to Hussain's bodyguard. Yes, body type and stance too;

They were leaving from a visit with Ted Kennedy's widow, who seemed to get some perps from Obama after Ted left the scene.[checking some articles under search for "Obama" and "Ted Kennedy's widow" ]

Teddy collapsed at Obama's Inauguration dinner, sitting next to Orrin Hatch and Byrd?

It was a surprise collapse.

20 Jan 2009 was the date.

"Before the lunch, Mr Kennedy had appeared in good health during the inauguration ceremony, wrapped up in hat, scarf and overcoat against the chill winter air." "

Article is not archiving for me.

I'm thinking Hussein pretended a closeness to Teddy that might not have really been there. Also, Teddy may have blocked Hussain's plans for health reform; Hussain's crazy plans may have been blocked by Teddy since Teddy was the most important and influential figure in Congress on that issue? And it turns out Teddy had received a promise about health care reform in return for endorsing Hussein.

Kennedy's endorsement of Oh-Bomb-Them was said to have given Hussein the nomination. In return Obama had promised Ted to realize Ted's long plan and work toward "Universal Health Insurance"

How convenient when Ted fell ill ? Hussein didn't have to keep his promise. Hussein was close by to Martha's Vineyard when Teddy died. Coincidence Really. Didn't know he had a place up there.

" T . Kennedy gave an endorsement to Obama on January 28, 2008":

T. Kennedy fell ill May 17, 2008,

From what I've learned of Hussein by now the events all look very different than they did to me then. But even then it was strange-ish the apparent sudden onset of TK's illness and death so close to Hussein's entrance onto the scene?

Interesting the photo can't be found on a reverse search, but was extant nine or ten years ago when I saved it for some reason. Also, won't let me archive the article on Ted's collapse at Obama's inauguration.

I have a feeling "Obama" has beheaded quite a few on his road to whatever he is.

Anonymous ID: 9bb000 July 31, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2383297   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Totally untrue. Was just reading about that. You don't need talent to be a journalist in this day. They get their paycheck for lying and covering stuff up. If you are honest they fire you.

Don't "kid" around.

You lie. You say it's talent . It's not. It's "Talent"