Can never go wrong by going to Wikileaks
Assange is a HERO!!!
Actually have screen shots on my twitter account which I have been locked out of since I posted this morning about twit, goog, fb, amaz using Vault 7 Python source code
Maybe 24 hours I can get it
Who the fuck are you?
Everytime real research happening, you post the same pics
Get a life
Baker, block this sick fuck
Everytime I see that gay ass fuck Hussein, I think about him struggling to lift a 3 pound weight at that hotel room!!
After being banned/suspended this morning from twitter, I can only observe,
My followers have decreased greater than 1,000 & those I'm following keep going down.
Who knows what it will be when I can get access
Seriously, people can jack off, masturbate etc on twit, but I post they, Dorsey, are using Clown source code, I'm blocked immediately
I swear to God!!
Give me 5 minutes with Alefantis, Podesta, Gay Hussein etc.
I am a proud 2nd Ammendment supporter, but I think I could take 2 out of 3 of them with my hands