Just getting online - spreadsheet is updated with all current Q postings.
You are welcome - currently porting over to a new smartsheet spreadsheet (trial is expiring n 3 days) - will announce new link shortly.
I know. I can't and won't ever get to give righteous justice to these scum. I'm funneling my rage and focusing it on helping in the ways we've been asked - I keep the spreadsheet as a record everyone worldwide can access, don't really do the digging, and make a lot of memes & infographics.
But tbh, I have the same white hot rage seeing that as I did when someone posted a similar screenshot of text postings from the darkweb about shooting up little boys & raping them. That white hot rage also propels me - those kids need rescuing, and once rescued, will need a lot of love, latitude, structure and understanding so they can heal. I can't help but imagine any of those kids (b or g) scared, alone, in pain, helpless and maybe hopeless that anyone is even looking for them, any adult is doing anything to find them and stop it. So I cannot and will not stop this effort - that is what fueled all the good people working on pg, and before that /cfg/ as they are connected. There have to be adults who will. not. stop. So I can't, and I have to say I'm of the Kai Murro's school on hate: it's healthy, necessary and a good thing. If it's used for good, if it is in balance with other things, it is an excellent fuel. If out of balance (like anything else) can/will destroy you. I hate these scumbags with a burning passion and that fuels me and many other anons
>What does the [D]ay [of] [D]ays unlock Today if memo is tomorrow,
Well, what is the DOD doing? Any exercises? Any joint exercises? Pending announcements, new programs, closing programs?
My mom lurks. I had to give her the low-down (incredibly weird, really, really strange feeling), the rules (am going to get her to lurk on ./pol/ at some point) and she calls me and we discuss what she thinks. She follow this closely, and red-pills people she knows of her generation, gives me pointers on memes, brings up things I don't know or havent seen.
Anons really don't understand how many people lurk, of many generations, and never post. [She knows she is forbidden to post, and doesn't even want to] P art of the low-down conversation was on the culture - everyone is a nigger and faggot etc etc, and why it is that way. Nothing will ever come in from outside or the inside and successfully change the culture. If you don't like it or can't handle it, leave. We'll give normies the normie-updates. We're not going to change, board culture is not going to change. The chans aren't going to change, so please stop. If your girlfriend's mom is lurking, she can handle it or she can't.
Don't invite normies here. EVER.