lose the name newfag
no one cares what you think
we are warriors
we have military bearing
we have been in the trenches
up to our ears in pig shit mud
we have gone days without food
weeks without sex
sounds like you need to go to a womens
put on a pink pussy hat and scream at the sky
with ashley judd
faggot bitch cunt glowing cia nigger
I know the new army profanity against recruits is frowned upon and could lead to disciplinary action against a drill sergeant
i served when we were called the worst of the worst names and treated like maggots
we earned respect the hard way
fuckoff snowflake
go iron your skinny jeans and have a fucking latte longbeard
i have gotten bored making memes
i dropped a bunch of good ones in the past
switched over to digging
here is one for immediate twat ammo have fun