Anonymous ID: cb8230 Feb. 1, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.238798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8838 >>8867





The memo is a tool. It was created to be useful on many levels and it's the "SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD"


But, what was the Activation code?


TGE called on Congress to empower the Cabinet secretaries to reward good workers and get rid of bad ones. The President's cabinet and their departments are all part of the executive branch and report to him. Why didn't he just issue an executive order?


Optics. Moving forward with the plan, but it's VERY IMPORTANT that he remain "Presidential" and above the fray.


The "Missing 3" were the EO's necessary to put the military power to work and bypass the corrupt systems. Think "Unlawful Combatant" status for those who have previously been untouchbles. But what about their support lower down?


Q called it the most important line of the entire speech. The Activation code.


Think: Is TGE really asking Congress to fix things? Or publicly telling the nation how things are going to be, demonstrating the system is working the way it should? Are the bills already written? I'd bet the farm on it.


What kind of leverage does TGE have (vis-a-vis the memo FUD) over the Republicans, who control the House and Senate right now? What could he do if they didn't cooperate? The money is frozen. The strings have been cut and they have no protection. But keep the 40/60 in mind. The public isn't ready for just how deep the corruption goes.


Timing is everything. The memo is the key. The info in it is important, but the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt is useful.


The "Activation code" kicks off the plan to remove the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tier individuals who support the efforts of the cabal from their positions within government. They are the support for the corrupt higher-up puppets and would replace them if only the top-tier puppets were removed. What better way to remove them than as part of a purge of government employees who weren't doing their jobs correctly? The irony there is delicious. What has Q said repeatedly?











Wizards & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.



All caps on DUMB, dual meaning. "These people [the Wizards & Warlocks] are really DUMB."


DUMB = Deep Underground Military Base.


Misdirection and Misinformation. It's all part of the plan.


Why were they all in a bunker the day after the SOTU? Why was Pense there? There is no coincidence.


Offering the guilty an opportunity to mitigate their sentences in return for their cooperation is a standard tactic. That's always done behind closed doors in a secure place. What kind of place? A place where they can be confronted with the evidence the Wizards have on them.


What better place to offer [certain] Republicans an opportunity to mitigate their punishment by cooperating than in a secure CoG bunker? Especially after their train was attacked on the way in. That attack was quite useful. What are their options?


[8] FIRED.


Possible SUICIDES.

++ / + TICK TOCK.


Watch what happens. The news reveals the MAP.

Anonymous ID: cb8230 Feb. 1, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.238868   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anon, it was never in the notable comments. The one that was in the notable comments (Think Logically) was a response to a doubtfag and ws kind of a follow-up to the original that went into more detail.