this has gotta be cb i see you say shit like this all the time. you realize this is the only place left where people don’t have to follow bullshit rules right? free fucking speech. stop policing people here too, power trip baker. this is why everyone complains about you. people joke around harmelssly and in good fun and you take shit so seriously like the biggest wet blanket. fucking relax for once man. learn to let shit go. this is the internet, the chans ffs not a boardroom.
don’t take it personally anon
this baker always has a stick up his ass about everything
do whatever the fuck you want
say whatever the fuck you want
and if someone’s offended that’s THEIR problem
that’s in the newfag rules ffs
YUP see what i just posted
hilarious he’s the one calling for no more namefagging but everyone can tell when it’s him bc he’s the only baker with a giant stick up his ass
oh shut the fuck up clam
right on cue aflb
people complain about this baker all the time and for good reason
slow night shift, no namefagging and at least 3 people recognize his fuckery
>try harder
i like this theory anon
careful you might destroy 9 months of Qresearch and years of chan culture with 1 post
>be respectful
>but don’t censor free speech
>this is not a game
>but call me clam
alright alright i’m done..
try harder
no coincidences
looks like a notable find to me but this faggot baker will probably disagree
repost later
tf does seaman have to do with anything? pizzagate exists regardless of paytriots
i forgot that guy existed
i’m sorry i don’t recall Q telling me to go spam that article with a link he went out of his way to have us remove from the board
unless you can read his mind you need to chill bc anons make their own decisions without some faggot screaming in their face
my best guesses, david
this was intentional - streisand effect
not errors in the drop sequence but more so a premature decision to amend the drop sequence was made upon review of the article and that decision was later reversed
i don’t buy that it was an error
thank you anon
we are here bc we’re adamantly against telling people what to think say or do bc FREEDOM
great questions, you should repost this next bread