Don't know anything about the gold painted David, but Michaelangelo (sic?), was a noble genius. He was nothing but a gift to humanity. Should not be associated with pedo bullshit in any way, David, as an example, was created from what was considered a flawed, unusable slab of marble and was meant to be on of many sculptures hundreds of feet up, in the alcoves (sic?), of one of the major church's roof. Forget the name, but basically one of the engineering wonders of the world and most important churches in Italy. It's David versus Goliath, the biblical story of overcoming great obstacles NOT some form of porn. You're committing what's known as a 'historical fallacy' David was commissioned hundreds of years before widespread pedo bullshit. Let's not forget the years he slaved over the Sistine chapel, among many other works. And for that, which involved many, many years of BACKBREAKING labor, he didn't even consider himself a painter! We will, most likely, never be gifted with a genius of his caliber ever again. He should be revered, nothing less.