kinell m8!
yes posted abut Rick Scott last night.
Why POTUS wants this turd in DC is beyond me.
You can keep your 2nd Amendment except why you can't.
We get the disinfo, we get blackmail angle but this game cannot go on.
NO Mr. President I do NOT trust Matt Gaetz, he's a shit, no I do not trust Rick Scott either, and I am sick of men and women in DC who are only there because they cant think of anything else to do with their lives, they are crooked and thre jews pay for the election campaigns - which they do.
if they have been blackmailed they need to fucking leave DC not have you help cover up their history.
its a disgrace.
if one citizen shoots someone trespassing pursuant to a confiscation order whose fault is that?
we are having the same issue in Massachusetts where it is like living in another country they have no fear and have amde no change to their course.
boston broadside wrote about this last year ffs
this is a plan to take guns from people by turning neighbors into informants. we know what this is about.
never said you were satan boy
Crozet VA again
two years and they still cannot get this right ffs!