Do you wonder if Joe plays dress up too?
Just getting off work, this email is old, I’ve seen before, this the same billionaire commie who bought those “muh peach mint” ads on FNC??
Dude is insane, literally wants impeachment because he hurt his feelies. There has to be research already done on that email, voat? Their pizza sub has some info I know I’ve read on this clown
This would be epic I’ve thought of this too… although I believe AJ to be OPPO
You spelled Muslim faggotry wrong
No they get high off it and ritualistic shit iirc
Wow… they scurred … “deranged”, how exactly??
He still has some good stuff, but after his pushing of Corsi and “muh own Q Zack” I was like okay he’s distracting us. For greed or for his (((boss))) I wouldn’t be able to tell you
Bezos doesn’t like America
Also CC is not slick Willies
Totally notable
I kinda took it my badd
Good vs evil
What? I didn’t say any of that. Check my ID posts, I just said BHO dressed up like an Illuminati fag and those girls aren’t theirs.. go back to Sgt Schlomo Finkleberg for a new assignment, JDFaggot
Go lookup the code fbi provides
Find the Angelina video on live leak if her talking about her sodomy ritual kek
Re: who knows where the bodies are buried
Reminded me also of when macron and trump planted that tree at the WH, only for it to be dug up a week or so later
Bonus- scroll up for Dershowitz investing in sex robots
OH, and of course PARIS “SUICIDES”
wasnt this in regards to merkel=hitlers frozen sperm baby?
Poppy bush (godfather) hired him for the mena connection. Coke to GHWBs Zapata platforms, from there to mena/NOLA (no customs checking from platform supply boats), and boom crack crisis and private prison industry created
That’s what I meant by delta
Dafuq is this
As much of a dink as the Clinton Found/Global Initiative donations