frustrating when you see the kids playing and you can't join in
tadpoleanon…still haven't even penetrated the egg yet kek
are there smart one's?
kek…I was hoping e bot had something witty to say…
wow tell me more kek
tantalizing possible connection kek….I posted a theory about that possibility long ago. Bot hidden as a human…grammar kind of a giveaway but really really really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy subtle and only here and there……if that is in fact e bot anon, it would not surprise me one bit. Nor would it if you were there in the pic too…..I have learned not to be surprised by things in here…including tonight's tactics….adaptableanon
a glorious one I would say.
to the untrained eye, you would be right…..disinformation is necessary…what if the article tripped a covert AI system which allows MSM to continue their bullshit narrative…..imaginanon here can think of 100 different ways from Sunday DS will attempt to continue this narrative…imagine living like a god only to find out you can be killed by the very subjects you presumed godship, we'll call it, over…….trust the plan..
goodnight for now anons…you are all beautiful.