LOL…Hello bird finger anon.
Adrenochrome is a by product of adrenaline, It has no life giving properties. Here is some research I did a few months ago.
No. It's a by product of adrenaline, which actually means when adrenaline is being broken down by the body it produces adrenochrome. When tortured, the body produces adrenaline in a fight or flight response. The rumors about occultists needing adrenochrome for survival is totally false. It has not even been proven to give someone a "high", thereby those who claim it is used for spiritual journey's are speculation, at best.
I don't think they do. I think it's purposeful misinformation to make normies think it's a conspiracy theory. Occults are alive and well. They do satanic practices. BUt this rumor about adrenochrome is false.
It does not have anti-aging properties.
Thanks for this. Do you have the sauce?
Saved…thanks anon.
what's the matter clown. False narrative doesn't stand up to scrutiny and it makes you butthurt?