Anons, first time posting, 8 time lurking. Can't find the right place to post this. Love the purpose this board has served; can also serve to replace the biased and controlled forums for policy discussion.
Appreciate what Q team is doing. Listening once again to POTUS talk about VA Choice program last night I will be writing a letter to my elected officials to appraise them of my situation, which I hope is isolated. Not looking for sympathy as I love this nation and it has given me everything and made sure a heritage has been passed down from my forefathers.
My experience with Choice has been poor. Long waits, lack of accountability, not listening to the VA doctors ordering treatments because, of course, VA Choice "policy" in the end trumps doctors recommendation.
End of rant if you are bored, but if you want some further details, here goes: treatment for side effects of very strong meds prescribed for 100% service connected disability ordered by the primary care team in Sept 2017. First treatment (of around 50 approved) aborted because Choice-ordered doctor says she does not work with my specific condition (ie. the drugs I was taking). Followed up with Choice many times to get new Choice assignment, which doesn't happen until June 2018. And then it is amended to be for on 6 treatments. Used the six. Still waiting for approvals for additional treatments and reasonable answer to my question as to why treatments were arbitrarily reduced by a factor of 10.
Want to remain anon. Wanted to provide one data point to better inform the discussion.