>explain Trump’s planned countercoup…
Which, by their wording, implies there WAS a coup BEFORE Trump became POTUS.
Interesting. Tell us more about this original coup, Washington Post/Jeff Bezos
>explain Trump’s planned countercoup…
Which, by their wording, implies there WAS a coup BEFORE Trump became POTUS.
Interesting. Tell us more about this original coup, Washington Post/Jeff Bezos
Whoever made this has revealed their (lack of) age.
Disco wasn't a thing in 1966. Try adding a decade to that: 1976, yes, disco was happening. But NOT in 1966.
Also in 1966, "long" hair wasn't nearly as long as "long" hair was by 1976.
How long before liberals begin eating each other? Soon they may realize that all this constant "outrage" about ordinary events and comments is just stoking their inner adrenochrome. Once they realize that, the adrenochrome junkies can take each other down and leave innocent children alone.
K I'm showing my ignorance here, but what's wrong with hiring one's children's businesses to help one's campaign in a legitimate way? How is that different from Trump hiring his family members to help him in his administration?
Campaign finance laws are needlessly complex, but I really don't see anything wrong with what was stated in this post. There is most likely a whole other level of wrong which wasn't referenced herein.
If it's a perfect vacuum, there's NO fuel nor oxygen. Kek.
Facebook, which IS big, dropped precipitously the very next day, followed by Twitter.
When I opened an investment account w/options "privileges," the questions were (summarized): "Have you done this before? Do you know what you're doing? You know it's your money to lose, right? - Okay, go lose your shirt."
Apparently you're having some trouble with understanding the concept of VACUUM.
Archived offline as previously instructed.
Three deleted, per apparent Q's instructions.
My screen hadn't refreshed, so I screen-captured them & archived online.
Prior orders were to "archive everything offline!"
(Repeated several times = important)
New instructions were to delete two messages everywhere. Like Hal9000, cognitive dissonance w competing orders concurrent.