What an amazing resource you anons have created.
~You have created a whole new language (comms) that takes a bit of study and work to master, but opens all sorts of new doors in the mind and excites the average LIED TO ALL YOUR LIFE Merican.
~You have defused and redefined words like fag and nigger = making them powerless to trigger the same 'ol reactions and emotions…. thus allowing the conversation to continue.
~You go everywhere (joo pedo porn lucyfur) but call out those who are trying to stir shit up as opposed to researching historical trooths.
~You do not chant their names there by giving them power. Intentional misspelling, abbreviations and insulting monikers. VERY empowering !
~You have tech powers to go deep and disclose all sorts of fuckery. Most of us do not possess those skills. Thank You.
~Anyone can be here, ANYONE. True freedom is dependent upon the concept of equal access. If anon's take this seriously, they WILL lurk and learn and become educated before wasting the time and energy of this resource. When the true nature and the great importance of this platform is grasped by the average newbie - after falling to their knees in thankful gratitude they will do what it takes to bring greatness to the future of this movement.
Our Lives Depend On It.
Most of us old schoolers have been planting seeds in the minds of our friends families, everyone - for many decades. We have been ostracized, ridiculed, attacked and mocked, WILLINGLY even happily because WE KNEW it would be worth it. We KNEW it had to be that way. We knew there was a greater purpose than our own comfort or acceptance. We were right. This is a culmination of so much hard work and sorrow for so many who have come (and gone) before us. Thank God for the minds and hearts that are shaping a future of peace and sanity through open and free access to TRUTH. Thank you all.
~ Tears of joy are flowing from many an eye ~