Trump Tampa Rally Q Summary:
Fox News cues camera to show crowd.
Dude in crowd holds up Qanon/Seth Rich sign.
Someone in Fox News Control Room screams "Change cameras…Fuck!"
(happened at least 17 times last night)
Trump Tampa Rally Q Summary:
Fox News cues camera to show crowd.
Dude in crowd holds up Qanon/Seth Rich sign.
Someone in Fox News Control Room screams "Change cameras…Fuck!"
(happened at least 17 times last night)
Sauce?…in their own words
I watched the whole thing, and every time Q signs were held up in the shot for even a few seconds they switched cameras instantaneously every time.
I saw the signs dude. I'm just saying Fox tried to intentionally de-emphasize. Check first minutes of the speech.
I watched Fox Biz broadcast which I assume is same.
Were you expecting anything less from Wapo?
Wapo is in our world now, and they are trapped in the bottom of the rabbit hole now.
(comb your hair)