Hey everyone, let’s see how many rocks and dog shit we can fill this loaf with. YUMMY!
Still waiting for the truth to be learned in July?
What was it?
Where We Show One We Show All.
Define Justice.
Define Evil.
Anything about you and me on the “Server?”
Who supplied the FEED?
We have it all?
Define ALL.
Awake yet?
None of us are.
Tunnel vision cannot = Expand your thinking
Hmm, just up the road from where N529JK is.
Surely a coincidence
Sorry, this -23 has already been solved. WEEKS AGO
What’s 7/16/18 -23 Days?
Odd that you would have no clue the significance of 7/16?
The world is watching?
Has anyone figured out Q knows the past present and future yet?
Define, “We have the server.”