This is not a smoking gun and you are all fucking idiots who know nothing.
What happened to the autists that used to be on this board?
Yes, the similarity makes one WONDER whether they are related. A little digging shows it is unlikely they are brothers or father and son.
However, the Illuminati are known to purposely spread their seed around, not just for personal pleasure but to create bloodline members undercover who can do a job for the family when they are grown. These kids are raised in the family way (abuse, conditioning, programming, MKUltra, etc). So, has anyone dug to find out who the parents and grandparents REALLY ARE? Not just the recorded records, but associations with Illuminati a generation or two ago? This is not quick work, but without it you have nothing.
Might as well forget the connection and just deal with Trudeau based on his actions, his Clinton and Obama connections.
But stepping back to 40,000 feet, it is useful for the l;ong game to better understand how the bloodlines deceive because you can be damn sure that they have sleepers out there, that do not bear obvious surnames, but who will reconstruct the bloodlines over a generation or two so that they can enslave our descendants. It is worthwhile work to dig into this far more deeply, but not on this board.