Hahahaha! Did you see this?
>For a look at how Special Counsel Robert Mueller could tie
>Russian election interference to American citizens,
>watch the C-word.
>Not coordination or collusion, but conspiracy.
4D Chess…
The Mueller indictments will all talk about the C-word… CONSPIRACY
What C-word did the MSM just push all across the news?
As the story breaks and Mueller starts PROVING a CONSPIRACY,
Normies searching for CONSPIRACY will lead to Q…
Following the Q story leads back to WHO?
Probably the same team Mueller will lead us to.
Hahahahahaha! 4D Chess!
Q you magnificent bastards!
>Bloomberg terds have disabled connections to archive.is, so have to post actual link. Google cache is second link if you want to screw bloomtergs out of a shekel.
https:// www.bloombergquint.com/politics/2018/07/31/forget-collusion-conspiracy-s-the-watchword-in-mueller-filings#gs.FidPQEg
https:// webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/2018/07/31/forget-collusion-conspiracy-s-the-watchword-in-mueller-filings%23gs.z3XKsvo