the whole administration will not confirm or deny. this is the plan. they cannot say they are Q. they will never be able to say they are Q. just msm asking pushes people to q. the only plan. only hints to us.
no. we will hear him asked in 10 minutes. i hope
I feel so HIGH Energy. LIKE TURNING METAL TO DUST High. . THANK YOU q and q+. thank you lord for working in the mysterious way that you promised. you said they would scream impeach. you said the spirit of judas(traitor treason shills) and the spirit of joseph(economic resurgence) would be on this country. you always keep your word lord. thank you for crushing our enemies. thank you for setting donald j trump aside to bring back the walls of protection on this country like we have never seen. I pray for those who oppose you and hope they can be saved. the ones who choose to defy i pray they were never born. amen. wwg1wga