Think fucking carefully: THE MEDIA WILL REPORT ON BLACKS FOR TRUMP. It won't sound good, and it will be spun, but they're going to point out that it's A THING. Intentionally or not, they're doing his job for him with their spin cycle.
The dude is an attention whore who doesn't deserve any credence. He acted like he was harassed on the streets and shouted out of movie theaters when I don't even believe that anything happened to him. No video (which he would have if he were really trying to expose ANYTHING).
STFU, that's what they fucking want you to say. SHILLFAG.
Pics or didn't happen.
Re-read crumbs maybe? We can't spoon feed you all the fucking research compiled over the past month. Don't be a faggot crybaby.
How the hell did you miss THIS?!