We Are Winning!
>You are now mainstream.
>Handle w/ care.
>The Great Awakening.
Dear Patriots,
We are hitting the mainstream. Now, more than ever, the many intelligence operatives who are paid to work against us will be seeding division and hatred in an attempt to distract and discredit us.
Remember, a vast amount of what you see on this board is not representative of The Great Awakening.
We are here because we Love.
We are here because we are committed to Truth, Justice and Freedom.
We are here because we refuse to stand silent in the face of great evil.
We are here because we care about the safety of children: all children, everywhere.
We are here because we want a safe and just world for everyone, in every country.
We are here because we will no longer be divided and used as weapons against each other.
They will use lies and they will use fear. They will not win: they cannot win. We have reached critical mass, and the world is waking.
I love you all. Stay strong, stay centered, stay true to yourself.
This is The Great Awakening, and we are doing it together.
Congratulations, everyone. This is what making history feels like.
Pray with me, Patriots World Wide:
May we stay calm and centered through The Storm.
May we be patient in the face of ignorance.
May we meet fear with compassion and love.
May all those in danger be protected from harm.
May all children be safe today, and every day.
May the Truth spread like the fire in our hearts, lighting up the world until there is no place for corruption to hide.
Where we go One,
We go All.
All together now. We are winning.