Anonymous ID: 603cff Aug. 1, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.2395966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6092 >>6105


Feeling very comfy right now, Anons. The Plan seems to be coming close to hitting critical mass. I literally don't know what to expect, especially now that POTUS is potentially going off-grid.

Mention of the Loebs reminded me of something.

I used to work for a major WW auction house. It was my first acquaintance with (((them))), and steepened my path to the redpill before I'd ever even heard of the redpill.

My job was fairly abstract; the only thing I can really say I noticed is that a lot of wealthy people became a lot wealthier during the recession, and that the world of fine art, on both sides of the counter, is largely dominated by Juice, especially in NY and the Eastern US generally.

Other departments were more closely involved, though. I knew a guy who dealt with the shipping department, he told me a story once that really stuck with me. To give some context, transport companies moving artwork for the wealthy would arrive at the shipping department with documents that identified their shipment, along with a brief description. The guy worked in the office that processed these documents.

One day, a form arrived that gave a single word in its description.


He had no idea of the contents of the shipment, or why it would be labelled like that, but was of the opinion that it was extremely dodgy.

I tried to rationalize it at the time, to laugh it off, knowing nothing about the art world. 'The Rape of the Sabine Women' was what immediately sprang to mind. I could never quite convince myself, though.

But knowing what I know now, it gives me pause.

I'm concerned that posting digs here could violate the terms of my NDA, so I'll throw some vague crumbs that someone might be able to follow to something useful.