B-b-but muh c-currency revaluation…I'm suppose ta be a gorgillionaire!
>2 years
Goddamn. Well she didn't miss much. The left still can't meme and Hillary didn't win. All is right with the world.
Fuck Ben Fulford. That big ass forehead dumbass. White dragons working covert to activate the Quantum Financial System. Kek. Fuck all that hoopla.
Quick scoped it too.
NOTABLE BAKER! Dan Reynolds is spilling some Busch Baked Beans!!!
>1 million ninjas
You're kidding right? A MILLION ninjas? The Foot clan? Da fuq is he saying? That dude looks like the cuck from Ghostbusters 2. What I can't stand is someone giving "intel" that's so farfetch in an age where people want to believe something. Hopium to the max. I fucking HATE that guy.