Workfag here was lurking all day..Great News
Hey MSM faggots we dont care what you think…Keep talking about Q bitches
>>2400012 Crack
WOW this almost feels like the second meme war…..JS
>>2400114 thats a little weird….
>>2400149 Acosta crying like a bitch after his shout down…
>>2400179 Reddit newfag
>>2400190 BUH bye Triggy
>>2400204 Newfags need to lurk first…..or they go away
>>2400244 Yeah just like Gunns joke …we are above that shit faggot
Its getting shilly in here
>>2400307 He contacts you… other comms allowed
>>2400317 Podesta is that you
>>2400332 to the pedo not you
>>2400349 Yah a fucked up looking clone
>>2400350 Triple KEK great meme
>>2400381 Stay out of my porn stash Anon
>>2400437 Great respsonsitrillatrust
>>2400474 You dont