why oh why do some stupid like (You) want normies here ?
enough brainfarts shitting up the breads already.
why oh why do some stupid like (You) want normies here ?
enough brainfarts shitting up the breads already.
Rule 0: Keep this board private as best you can. That means avoiding linking to this board whether it is on your Youtube channel, Twitter account, website/blog, etc. Normies must keep to other platforms for board efficiency. Autists only here. The influx of newfags has only caused problems for the hard workers of this board as well as the staff members. We are not here to babysit, we are not here to coddle you, and we are not here to accomodate you. This board is for Q, and the autists. Take what you learn from here and spread it to the other platforms without getting in our way. WE DON'T WANT ANY MORE NEWFAGS.
tilt the Quake sign to a make it look more like a Q
itยดs already in the board rules, Q would have spoken out against it already.
go kys
gl waiting for like โฆ forever
nowhere did Q say we should welcome normies or change our ways to be PC or babysit and spoonfeed anyone.
we need to separate the wheat from the chaff
we will be in public eye, and mainstream and fuckwhatnot.
every single shitfucking person needs to go through the process of the finding the information themself with all the obstacles there are.